Friday, May 4, 2012

hello 22.

I am so thankful my husband was able to be home for our sons bday & my own. It has been nice (most of the time, heh) having him here. He has a seasonal job right now, and keeps getting interviews for bigger/better jobs (which I hope is a good sign the "right one" will come along). Next week I will post my son's train party pictures. This year for my 22nd, I was very spoiled. DH got me a brand new bike, WITH a backseat for little man! It is so cute. I spent the day doing traditions- starbucks with my baby for an iced mocha & BIRTHDAY CAKE POPS (loveeeeeeeeeee), and lunch out (this year with mom).
~how cool is this fortune? usually i only get proverbs/quotes, not an actual "fortune." I hope it's good luck! It's saved in my wallet. When DH came home from work that day he told me "I don't think Hershey is doing too well, want to come take a look at her"? (hershey is my choclate lab, and is 11). Worried, I rushed out, only to find my Hershey smiling, happy, and completely fine, and this bike instead! It was pretty creative and I was definitely happy but told him to not use our animals as coverup, it's not fair! =)
An extra treat, I made Ninja Turtles:
If you like Sweet & Sour...or Mt. Dew... or anything lime-y & sweet, you'll like these. Now this is just "MY" version, adapted from a local bar where I first tried them. I researched the web & there are many different ways to make it. NINJA TURTLE: 2oz apple pucker 1oz spiced/gold rum 1oz blue curacao add the alcohol to a glass with a few ice cubes in it already. pour mt. dew to the top. =)

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