Like I mentioned in a previous blog, we've had some struggles in the week & a half since M has been home. It's been almost 7 months being 800+ miles away from each other and 4+ years of a military life. We knew there would be adjustments, just not big blow-ups within days of being back in the family life. Little things have been setting him off, and I either cry or get angry myself. It's not something I'm use to happening often, much less as frequent as it has been. The great thing is we both don't like to let things sit & fester, so after a few minutes of either walking, or thinking by ourselves, we talk it out camly, apologize for our mistakes. Neither of us is perfect, and we realize we have a lot of work to do-but know it's something we can get thru.
I can't help the little whisper of guilt. This year I had a few simple resolutions, and one was to be a better wife. Not that I'm a bad wife, but I believe we all can be better versions of ourselves. Yet so far I'm sure I haven't held up to this idea like I expected. I will continue to try, and keep to my new resolution.
Even though he wasn't on a big deployment overseas, all this time spent apart is giving us some adjustment issues. If anyone has great blogs or articles that help in this aspect, they'd be greatly appreciated if left in a comment!
Thanks for all your support! I pray this next month is a little less stressful, and we're closer than ever.
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