Friday, March 9, 2012

Breaking transDawn

The other day I had a chance to interview a friend named Dawn, who has graciously allowed me a glimpse into her currently double life. Why? Dawn is currently still male, and has finally become more open about her transgender life. I mentioned this Tuesday during my food for thought blog *here*, please have a read.

I am going to try my best to keep this as clean cut as possible, focusing on the interview and not adding any of my own comments/opinions.
Interview 1: Dawn. March 2012.

Why did you choose the name Dawn?
-One day with my good friend whom I had just "come out" to, told me if I was going to be serious about this I needed a "name." We were in the arts&crafts section of a store, she threatened to pick a letter and I would then have to choose a name from it whatever popped into my head first. Quickly my eyes were drawn to the letter "D" first, and Dawn just came to me. I like it because it is simplistic yet has so many meanings.

What memory stands out the most to you?
-At the moment, just a short time after coming out I'm just being happy.
When I was the age of 7 they had commercials on TV all the time about designing your own Barbie. I had begged my family to let me do it, they agreed if I saved up the money on my own. I never did make it but they had been okay with that idea.

How far will you go?
-Depends. State law mandates I have at least 1 year of therapy. I would like to go all the way but the risks make me cautious. So maybe just stop at hormones & cosmetics.

There has been growing interest in the media about the transgender community, do you watch?
-I don't keep up with TV. But if a post pops up on the news for my yahoo page, then I might read it. Most of the things I learn about what the media says about transgenders comes from a social website I'm apart of, fetlife. A majority of the news seems to think and talk about "eh, they're just there" that stands out to me. It disappoints me when people think it's a disease. They're just ignorant. My own grandmother thinks you can do what you want with your life, but in the end you will be punished in the afterlife. I have a long way to go before I have the worries of the public eye turned towards me. But haters are going to hate.

Do you have any more "chick" oriented guilty pleasures? Like shows or movies? I don't meant to offend and have the closed mind that just because you feel you are a girl that automatically means you're into "girly" things, but I have known you when you were still male, I'm just curious.
- =) The movie Anastasia & PDA

Did you have any 2012 resolutions? Did you stick to them?
-My fitness & health. Trying to find more venues for my business or just a new job. And yes.

Who are some of your idols?
- They vary widely. Johnny Depp inspires me with my love of theater. I have 2 trans idols, one who I do not know the name of but her life story was inspring. The other is Nong Toom, a very good boxer. And for fitness & life: A BriBri indian I met while in Costa Rica. He was over 100 years old yet only looked 50, and completely dependant on himself. To be able to just depend on yourself is awesome & inspiring.

You've mentioned a few times your newly found transgeder life as a "condition"...why? Do you have doubts?
-In the big book of problems it's called a condition. I haven't found the proper word to describe it for me personally.

What spurred you to finally start the transition when you have "known" for almost all your life that you was a girl inside?
-For the majority of my childhood I didn't pursue my feelings because my family said it wasn't how boys were suppose to behave. They always told me once I was 18 I could do what I want, and that stuck with me. When I was 19 and in college I felt I could be free to be myself. I thought "oh well" to anyone's disapproval. Sometimes I wish I had spoken up sooner, but I'm overall glad I waited until I was 19 to come out. I would have lost my composure if I had been 9 years old and invited to a slumber party, then sent home because i wasn't a "real girl" (for that story, visit Janet Mock's blog *here*).


Thank you Dawn, for this opportunity. I wasn't expecting to blog about this, but I'm glad to have had this chance. For more about Dawn's life & some pretty neat game reviews, check out her blog: *TransGamer Dawn*

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this inside account. I'm stopping by via your comment on my blog. Thanks for reading. Contact me if you would like to share your "foggy days" story one day.
    Happy Saturday,
